News– category –
Workshop “Buddhism meets Philosophy” (March 21st, 2024)
We are pleased to announce that we will be hosting the workshop "Buddhism meets Philosophy" on the 21st of March. All are welcomed. Workshop "Buddhism meets Philosophy" Date: Thursday, March 21, 2024 (9:40 am − 12:00 pm)Venue: Kyoto Univ... -
Workshop “WE-Issue and Its Social Implications” (February 4th, 2024)
The Smart-WE project is pleased to host the following workshop on February 4th, 2024, to welcome researchers from Taiwan, Australia, and Japan. Workshop "WE-Issue and Its Social Implications" This workshop brings together scholars from d... -
The Smart-WE project is pleased to host the following workshop to welcome Professor Rein Raud from Tallinn University, Estonia (January 13th, 2024)
The Smart-WE project is pleased to host the following workshop to welcome Professor Rein Raud from Tallinn University, Estonia. Workshop on the World Philosophy This workshop brings together different strands of world philosophy, which s... -
Hitachi-Kyodai Lab & Kyoto University 6th Symposium “<WE>Society of Humans and AI – What if AI Possesses Personality and Morality?”
This is an announcement about "<WE> Society of Humans and AI - What if AI Possesses Personality and Morality?" symposium to be held on January 22th, 2024. Date: January 22th, 2024 13:00 – 15:00 (12:00 open)Venue: Tokyo Convention Hal... -
Professor Yasuo Deguchi’s book “AI Best Friends Theory” was released
Professor Yasuo Deguchi's book "AI Best Friends Theory" was released by Tokuma Shoten on July 31, 2023. 『AI親友論』 Introduction Human Unemployment, Master/Slave Model, Moral Bending Machines......Will AI be a threat, will humans domina... -
International Workshop “Self and Infinity” was held on March 20, 2023
We held the workshop “Self and Infinity” on March 20, 2023. Click here for event details. Ryota Akiyoshi from Japan, Mark van Atten and Hey Yong Kim from the Husserl Collection, and Andrew Arana from the Poincaré Collection (titles omitt... -
Workshop “We’s Discussion on Self-as-We: The Advocate meets the Critics” was held on June 28, 2023
As an event of the Comparative WE Studies Group, we held the workshop “We’s Discussion on Self-as-We: The Advocate meets the Critics” as outlined below. In this workshop, Professor Yumiko Inukai from the University of Massachusetts Bosto... -
International Workshop “Self and Infinity” to be held March 20, 2023
This is an announcement about "Self and Infinity" workshop to be held on March 20th, 2023.Yasuo Deguchi (Supervisor), Shigeru Taguchi (Comparative WE studies group, Group Leader), and Ryota Akiyoshi (Human Exchange group, Group Leader) w... -
International Workshop “Toward a Better WE” to be held February 21 & 22, 2023
As part of Smart WE project, we will be hosting an international workshop "Toward a Better WE." 【Details of the Workshop】 International Workshop "Toward a Better WE"Date: 21 and 22 February 2023Venue: Kyoto University Rakuyu Kaikan (Da... -
the 5th Hitachi Kyoto University Lab/Kyoto University Symposium “Building Society and Wellbeing through Creative Citizenship”(2023.1.26)
This is an announcement about the 5th Hitachi Kyoto University Lab/Kyoto University Symposium "Building Society and Wellbeing through Creative Citizenship" to be held on Thursday, January 26, 2023.Professor Yasuo Deguchi (Supervisor) and...