We will have a lecture for the comparative WE group that is open to all participants of this project by Prof. Rein Raud (Tallinn University, Estonia) .
Date:27th Oct, 2022. 17:00 – 18:30
Venue:Zoom / Large Conference Room in the Main Building of Faculty of Letters, Kyoto Univ.
Self as Field: towards a process ontology of the subject
Many recent developments, from the climate crisis to the evolution of artificial intelligence and the crisis of traditional democratic institutions, have thoroughly discredited the traditional Western idea of the human being as an ordered, selfsame, rational subject and atomic citizen of a political community, who is by these very characteristics quite distinct from the rest of nature. Critical voices are also addressing the ontological paradigm that presupposes the viewpoint of such a subject as the basis for formulating objective knowledge about the world and our situation in it. The goal of the talk is to look for alternatives to these views in the philosophical traditions of the world, particularly East Asia, and to outline a model of subjectivity that would help us to transcend the current predicament. The schools of thought addressed will range from Buddhist philosophy to modern Japanese thought on the one hand and feminist philosophy of science, theories of extended mind and social ontology on the other.
This event has ended.