International Workshop “Self and Infinity” to be held March 20, 2023

This is an announcement about “Self and Infinity” workshop to be held on March 20th, 2023.
Yasuo Deguchi (Supervisor), Shigeru Taguchi (Comparative WE studies group, Group Leader), and Ryota Akiyoshi (Human Exchange group, Group Leader) will speak at the WS from this project.

Date:March 20th, 2023
Venue:Husserl Archive (Room: Salle IHMC (Institut d’histoire moderne et contemporaine), 45 rue d’Ulm, main building, Escalier D, 3rd floor)

The focus of this workshop is on the relations between the concepts of self and infinity in the context of Eastern and Western philosophies. As point of departure we take Kitaro Nishida’s paper “Logical understanding and mathematical understanding” of 1912, in which he seeks the source of infinity within the self. Nishida’s development soon led to a fruitful confrontation with phenomenology. We follow Nishida in widening the discussion to the self, consciousness, and world. Finally, we add robotics, which provides an opportunity to rethink the concept of self in a modern context.

For more information, please check the following website: