Workshop “We’s Discussion on Self-as-We: The Advocate meets the Critics” was held on June 28, 2023

As an event of the Comparative WE Studies Group, we held the workshop “We’s Discussion on Self-as-We: The Advocate meets the Critics” as outlined below. In this workshop, Professor Yumiko Inukai from the University of Massachusetts Boston served as the chair, and Professor Deguchi, the proponent of “Self-as-We”, answered questions about it in a Q&A format.。

We’s Discussion on Self-as-We: The Advocate meets the Critics
Date and Time: June 28, 2023 (Wednesday) 16:00-18:00
Location: Underground Conference Room, Faculty of Letters, Kyoto University/Zoom

Before the workshop, Professor Deguchi provided materials demonstrating the argumentative structure of Self-as-We and various We-turns. Based on this, the attendees engaged in lively discussions. In particular, there were numerous questions focused on the concept of Multi-Agent Systems, which forms the basis of Self-as-We. It was suggested that refining this concept is key to the discussion of Self-as-We.

Moving forward, the Comparative WE Studies Group will continue to hold similar workshops. Our aim is to deepen the understanding of Self-as-We and continue our efforts towards publishing a collection of papers discussing and comparing the concept of ‘WE’ across various societal, cultural, and religious backgrounds.