The Smart-WE project is pleased to host the following workshop to welcome Professor Rein Raud from Tallinn University, Estonia.
Workshop on the World Philosophy
This workshop brings together different strands of world philosophy, which sometimes receive less attention than they deserve, with the aim of connecting the insights from multifaceted perspectives to shed new light on the original issues in their own fields as well as on relevant topics in other traditions. This event is jointly organized by the Smart WE Project of the JSPS (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) and the CAPE (Center for Applied Philosophy and Ethics) at the Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University.
Date: Saturday, January 13, 2024 (1:30 pm ‒ 5:15 pm)
Venue: Basement Meeting Room, Shiran-kaikan Annex (芝蘭会館別館 地下会議室) map
Rein Raud, The Desert Island Revisited: Contours of a Relational Ontology
Yuichiro Tsujiguchi, Being and World in Dōgenʼs Shōbōgenzō ―In comparison with Markus Gabriel―
Hsun-Mei Chen, Jizang on Silence: Beyond Linguistic Interpretations
Felipe Cuervo Restrepo, Stories that Live By Us: Narrative Ethics and Animism
Yasuo Deguchi (Kyoto University) and Kazuhiro Watanabe (Kyoto University)
Please find attached the workshop program for more information.
“Workshop on the World Philosophy” was successfully concluded on January 13, 2024
On January 13th, the Workshop on World Philosophy was successfully held at Shiran-kaikan in Kyoto. Co-hosted by Smart-WE Program and CAPE (Center for Applied Philosophy & Ethics, Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University), the event opened with a welcome by Prof. Yasuo Deguchi, followed by presentations by Prof. Rein Raud (Tallinn University), Mr Yuichiro Tsujiguchi (Japanese Association for Comparative Philosophy), Mr Hsun-Mei Chen (Kyoto University), and Mr Felipe Cuervo Restrevo (Kyoto University).
Their presentations showcased various aspects of world philosophy, with topics including relational ontology, Dogen on being, Jizang on silence, and narrative ethics and animism. The event also featured lively discussions, thanks to the participation of Prof. Jay Garfield, Prof. Graham Priest, and many others.