2024年6月17日に比較WE学のワークショップ “We’s Discussion on Self-as-We: The Advocate meets the Critics II” を開催します。昨年度に続いて今年もYumiko Inukai先生をchairにお迎えし、Self-as-WEに関する出口康夫教授の論文を参加者とともに批判的に検討します。さらに今回は、プロジェクトメンバーらによる個人研究発表も行われます。
Workshop “We’s Discussion on Self-as-We: The Advocate meets the Critics II”
Date: Monday, June 17, 2024 (13:00 pm − 18:00 pm)
Venue: Kyoto University, Yoshida Campus, Faculty of Letters (#8 on this map), Basement Conference Room
Individual Research Presentations:
Masayuki Sato (National Taiwan University), TBA
Tomoya Takahagi (Keio University), Hume and Women
Shunsuke Sugimoto (Keio University), Can artificial intelligence be your good friend?
Laÿna Droz (University of Tokyo), Thinking the self in terms of flows
The roundtable will be held in the style of “Author meets Critics”. Participants are expected to read the following paper by Professor Yasuo Deguchi and bring topics they wish to discuss with him. This session will be moderated by Professor Yumiko Inukai (University of Massachusetts Boston).
Deguchi, Y. (2023). From Incapability to We-turn. In A. Zwitter & T. Dome (Eds.), Meta science: Towards a science of meaning and complex solutions (pp. 43-71). Download the book in pdf from https://doi.org/10.21827/648c59a2087f2
Kazuhiro Watanabe (Kyoto University)